Half Double Marathon
Something for everyone. From a 5km walk to a 100km run.
In support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York.

5 run times available – Participate in one or all.
$30 price includes access to all runs for one low cost.
Location: 5km loops starting at All Our Kids Playpark on the Tom Taylor Trail in Newmarket, ON

General Information
Sponsored by TK Dale Wealth, this run is in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York. Our goal is to fundraise $15,000!
Join us on March 25 & 26, 2023. You can complete on your own or with a team.
There are four run starts of which you can choose 21km, 10km or 5km and a 16km bonus run.
Join us for the 5km opener walk on March 25 at 9am.
For those of you wishing to complete all the runs, the total distance will be 100km. For the four runs at 21km, this distance is a total of a double marathon, broken down into half marathons providing time to rest and refuel.
Hence the Half Double Marathon name.
The Countdown Begins!
Run Start Times – Be Early!
First run & opening remarks - March 25 at 9am
Checkin begins 30 mins prior to each run. Please be here by 8:30am.
This is a great one to register for if you’re looking to do a 5km walk!
Third Run - March 26 at 9am
Checkin begins 30 mins prior to each run. Please be here by 8:30am.
If your long runs are Sunday mornings, join us this day for a special cause!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the common questions that we get:
How does this work?
There are four run times to choose from and for the $30 price, you are welcome to sign up for any time slot and any distance from the 5km walk to the 21km run.
If you run all four 21km runs, you are welcome to join us for the Sunday noon bonus run of 16km.
After registration, you will be sent a link to create your own fundraising page so that you can join our team and raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York.
You are not obligated to raise funds for BBBSPY but it would be great if you did. You are also welcome to donate to the charity directly as shown below.
Do I have to run all of them?
No! You can pick any or all of the run times to participate in. If you only want to do one run then we suggest that you do the first run on the Saturday morning. This will allow you to be a part of the opening ceremonies and hear from the organizers. This is the most popular option.
How does the pricing work?
It is a flat fee for the event. You can select any of the runs to do but if you’re only going to do one then we suggest that you do the first run on Saturday morning.
The $30 cost goes towards set up costs as you’ll notice that many other runs are much more expensive.
I don't want to participate, can I donate?
Yes! That would be fantastic. Donations are processed through Canada Helps. They handle the payment processing and forward the donations along to the charities. You can support The Tim Hortons Move For Kids Sake fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York by donating at this link:
Solo vs Team
You have the option of doing the runs with us by participating as an individual or as a team. For example, if running as a team, you might want to run one run each day and have a team mate do the other two runs.
You may want to team up with four people and have each person do one run. Each person can select their own distance to run.
There is a place to input your team name so that we can link you together.
When registering with a team each of you will have to individually register. Input your team name, and only register for the runs that YOU as an individual plan to participate in.
Is this a timed event?
No, we will not have timing chips this year. We will be marking the distance completed so be sure to wear your race bib prominently for everyone to see.
What do I get?
You mean aside from being part of a super awesome event? Well, you get the commemorative race bib as well as a digital race photo that will be emailed to you after the event.
Will there be food and drinks available?
Yes, we plan to have drinks and snacks available. We don’t have drinks and snacks finalized yet so it’ll be a surprise! If you anticipate NEEDING drinks or food then we suggest bringing with you enough food and drinks to get you through. This could include water bottles, refillable water bladders and any food you might need.
Will there be a drop area?
Yes, we will have a drop area at the start line to put your belongings however please note that WE DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS.
What are the next steps?
Step 1: Register!
Click any of the buttons on this page to register. You’ll input your information, tell us if you’re participating in a team and select the run time(s) and distance(s) that you want to participate in.
Step 2: Confirmation Email
This email contains very important information. This will have a summary of the run(s) that you registered for.
It also contains the link to register yourself so that you can begin raising money. It’s free to register yourself and it’s easy!
Step 3: Get active and share your donation link!
If you’re training for a run, why not shoot a quick post for social media and drop your donation link in there.
Tell people about the event, ask them to join you and ask them to donate.
We will also guide you on how to post and email friends and family about this awesome event that you’re doing for a great cause.
Do I have to raise money to participate?
No, but… we would love it if you did. You are under no obligation to raise funds in order to participate in the run.
It would be amazing if you could register your own fundraising page (details in registration confirmation email) and tell people what you’re doing and raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of York Peel.
Don’t worry, we’ll guide you on how to spread the word.
Failing that, you can donate to someone who is registered in the Half Double Marathon Team. Any amount is appreciated.
Failing that, come and show support! Just being there and participating is fantastic!
Whatever you’re most comfortable with is fine with us.
Register to Run!
Raising money for a good cause, come and join us for a fun weekend of running!