Tailored Investment Accounts
Helping You Build Wealth, Reduce Risk & Create Your Future Make An AppointmentOur Approach to portfolios
Cash Flow Based Asset Allocation
~ Portfolio construction that is grounded in your lifestyle which dictates your expected cash flows. While risk tolerance is factored, portfolios are primarily built with actual life usage in mind.
Top Down Macro Economic Analysis
~ Starting with global macro economic analysis, we assess which countries and currencies are expected to outperform while mitigating portfolio drawdown. From there we perform sector analysis and seek optimal exposure that aligns with your Investment Policy providing the best risk adjusted returns.
What Exactly is Portfolio Management? Do I really need it?
Portfolio Management
Tailored portfolios are constructed based on two fundamental influences: When do you need cash flow? How much cash flow do you need? Our sole focus is to construct a portfolio that maximizes returns while providing consistent cash flows even in down markets.
Every client goes through a Success Strategy Session followed by a Financial Plan before creating your personalized Investment Policy.
Do You Need A Tailored portfolio?
Are you approaching retirement?
Has your portfolio stayed the same for the last 15 years?
Are you looking for comprehensive financial strategies?
Do you want to know how much assets you need to retire?
Do you want reasonable fees AND premium advice?
How will you create an income in retirement that you can take comfort in?
What We Can Help You With
Financial Strategies
Portfolio Reviews
Financial Planning
Asset Allocation
Security Analysis
Portfolio Construction
Cash Flow Analysis
Expand Your Team
Having a portfolio manager on your side can help you make decisions about your retirement, job changes, tax planning and capital allocation.
We act as your Family CFO. It’s our job to provide you with information so you can make informed decisions that help you realize your dreams.
Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals
Our job is to help you take the lifestyle you envision and make it a reality. We take intangible concepts and create a numerical roadmaps.
It can be hard to articulate the retirement that you desire. We assist you with constructing and articulating that dream so that we can create a portfolio that funds your lifestyle.
TK Dale Wealth: Investment Advisor Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Kleinburg and surrounding areas
#7-17075 Leslie St., Newmarket, ON L3Y 8E1